Sacrifice Of Eternal Love 1.0

Sacrifice Of Eternal Love

Competition : Ira English Bloggers

Topic : Love and relationship (love story)

Series : Sacrifice For Eternal Love

Part no. : Sacrifice For Eternal Love #1.0

"After he disappeared from my life, nothing was left. It was just me and my lonesome. I persuaded myself that I didn\"t want to fall in love repeatedly. I did not want to extend my previous pardon to him. But as soon as I see his face, everything seems off. However, I have completed the mental determination. I won\"t talk to him even if he approaches me in front of others. But is a wide coping with so much truly possible? I\"m able to decline. But the fact is that I won\"t abandon him at any point in his life. if we happen to cross paths.
No. !! I\"m at a loss on what to write next." The lily was supposed to stop writing. And then there was the phone. It began conversing with the phone.

" Hey hie , Sarah!"
Lily picked up the phone and began speaking with her best buddy, Sarah.

"Are you coming out tonight today?" said Sarah.

"How about in the evening?" Lily inquired.

“Oh!! You completely forgot!! "This is our get-together!!"

“Oh!! No..!! Sarah, I\"m not coming!!"

"No, nothing else will work!!" We\"d like to meet in the evening!! "Come on by!!"
Sarah immediately hangs up the phone.

Lily sits for a long time, thinking. She refuses to go there. But she had to leave.

"After many years have passed today, no one will want to return to the same old beautiful memories!! But if those memories are going to bother you unknowingly!! Why meet them again? But if they\"re coming forward even if they don\"t want to...!! What to do!! Will run into him again in that memory compartment!! I\"ll be drawn to him again when I see him. If you don\"t go instead...!! Again, all friends will have opposing meanings. Better than that...!" Lily sat in her own thoughts for a long time.

" Isn\"t that a lovely time?? When your loved one is with you!! To walk with her, to go out, to have fun. We want to share our joy and our sorrow. Again, time changed, and they changed so much that they left it alone for a moment. Then we just had to wait and see what was left. Those memories were very close. Just for him."

Lily awoke with tears in her eyes and wiped them away. It was getting dark. She had no idea how long she had been thinking about it, and she was hesitant to leave. The phone then rang again. Lily began working after picking up the phone.

"Hie, Sarah!!"

"Lily, where are you?"

"Oh my, that\"s it! just five minutes only.!"

"Time is early! halted beneath your building!"

"Oh k, yes.. coming..!"

Lily takes a few steps down while bracing herself. Sarah frequently approached and stopped in front of her .

"How late, Lily!" 
Sarah claims to have seen him approaching.

"I\"m sorry dear...!! I sat for a while writing and then didn\"t notice the time!!"

"Lily, you are impossible !! Sarah stated while sitting in her car.

Both sat in their cars and drove away.

to be continued....

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