Sacrifice For Eternal Love 8.0

Sacrifice For Eternal Love 8.0

Competition : Ira English Bloggers

Topic : Love and relationship (love story)

Series : Sacrifice For Eternal Love

Part no. : Sacrifice For Eternal Love #8.0

Michelle and Lily talked for quite some time. Lily was much more reserved. Michelle noticed this and responded immediately.
“Lily!! I read your book as well!!"

“Yes!! "Do you enjoy reading as well?"

“No!! I keep reading because Harry is such a big fan of yours!!" Michelle stated while looking at the wheelchair\"s wheel.

Michelle repeated herself, staring at Lily, unsure what to say.

"Having a good time! I also spent a long time reading the book!! What\"s up, sitting in a wheelchair wastes time!! Then read a lot of books!!!" Michelle admitted to becoming emotional.

Lily became aware of this. Harry had just emerged from the kitchen. He began talking while serving the coffee he had brought with him.

"Michelle and I have been humming many of your poems!!"

Harry and Michelle exchange friendly smiles. Lily was speechless.

Michelle\"s phone rings with a message tone. He takes out his phone & messaged.


Harry simply looked at him and said, "will get back to you !!" And he left in the kitchen.

Lily follows Harry around. Then Michelle begins to speak.

"I have a complaint for you, Lily!!"

"Which!! " Lily inquires, her gaze fixed on Michelle.

"Only when the hero and heroine meet in the story does the hero feel that love is fulfilled!!"

"But you have to meet if you love, right?" Lily responds.

"Can you love without meeting?" Michelle inquires, her gaze fixed on Lily.

"You can love even if you haven\"t met?" Michelle inquires, her gaze fixed on Lily.

Lily was perplexed for a moment and repeated Michelle.
"Harry loves you just as much as he always has, Lily!!
But he\"s tied to me!! I informed him!! Don\"t even think of me!! What am I going to do? But you return to your lily!! " Michelle said while fighting back tears.

“Michelle!!” Hearing her speech, Lily\"s eyes welled up. He stood up and moved closer to Michelle.

"I realised today how young I am to write the definition of love!!" But this is your situation, Michelle?"

"I wanted to travel the world before getting married!! And an accident took everything away from me. In fact, I had a thought that I should commit suicide. My boyfriend dumped me. I was expecting at the time. But seeing Harry willing to marry me despite my state inspired me to live once more. But I had no idea about you two back then!!" Michelle explained.

"You are aware that I saw him for the first time!! As a result, I fell in love with him!! Even now, it is growing at a rapid pace!! " Michelle said, smiling at Lily.

While they were still talking, Harry came out. Lilly and Michelle sat up, regaining their balance. Michelle mentioned seeing her.

"Say whatever you want, Harry!! It is fun to meet them whose writings are we reading?"

"Yeah !! ” Harry said looking at Lily.

Lily sat for a while and felt like leaving again.

“Come on Harry!! Michelle!! I\"m leaving now!! I have to go!! "

Mitchell said immediately after hearing this.
“Oh!! Lily dear !! please eat and then go!”

“Really don\"t!! I will come back to eat afterwards !! ” Lily said looking at Harry.

“Then you have to come to Paris!!” Michelle said with a small smile.

“To Paris??” Lily said with a questioning look.

Harry spoke in the pauses.
"We\"re leaving for Paris tomorrow!!" It\"s been there for two or three years!! I came here last month!! On this special occasion, I will meet everyone!!" Harry fixed his gaze on Lily for a long moment.

"I just got the message that the plane tickets have been purchased!!" Michelle examines her phone.

Lily was speechless for a moment before asking, "What time are you leaving tomorrow??"

"The flight is at six o\"clock in the evening!!" Harry spoke quietly and solemnly.

“OK!!” Lily then left.

Harry came out to say goodbye. "I\"m going now!" Lily exclaimed as she saw him approaching.

“OK!!” Harry stated solemnly.
Lily took two steps forward before returning to hug him. Her eyes watered slightly, but she kissed him on the forehead, said goodbye, and walked away without looking back.

"Lily..!" Harry exclaimed.

She flinched and remained standing without turning around.

"Will you please meet me once before you leave?"

Harry\"s words made Lily\"s eyes well up. She was at a loss for words. She simply nodded and said yes.

As Lily walked away, Harry stood behind her, continuesly watching her.

To be continued...

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