My child's first meet with his loved ones

Story revolves around my child's birth day and his first day in this beautiful world

On 15th July 2018 ... at midnight, I started having light labor pain. I was confused whether this is really a labor pain or false contractions.You know things gets more confusing in first pregnancy so I kept lying there for a while. After 5 in the morning, I started to feel strong contractions. My mother understood that it was the time to rush to the hospital.

I was really impatient to see my baby.
But to see him, I had to bear those terrible pains. Even though it was just the beginning, I was scared but my mumma gave me a strength. It was raining heavily in Nashik city.Water clogging was everywhere in the city.

It was difficult to get vehicle,somehow we managed to reach the hospital around 7 o'clock in the morning with all the preparations because the distance from the hospital to my mamma's place was about ten kilometers and there was water clogging everywhere due to rain.

Doctor examined me and told us that it would take another six to seven hours for delivery. Then there was no option but to wait. I started to miss my husband a lot.He left immediately after being informed, but since he was in another state, it would take him at least ten hours to arrive. He ran and caught the bus at nine o'clock in the morning. He is very unlucky about travelling, whenever he travells alone he either gets stuck in the traffic or gets too much crowd. That day also he was stucked in bad traffic, bus was not moving even half a kilometer in an hour. He got too irritated but there was no alternative. Slowly my pain was getting worse. Around 4 o'clock in the evening doctor said the time has come will be delievered at any time now. I was really happy that I will get out of this horrible pain soon but was also sad that the my baby's father wanted to see him first. But he was not even halfway there.

Finally at 4.58pm I heard sound of my baby's crying. My tears of joy began to flow. It is said that birthday is the only day on which the mother laughs when her baby cries.

My husband and I both wanted a girl..The doctor showed me my chubby and fair baby wrapped in clothes but I didn't asked if it was a girl or a boy..The doctor also knew that I wanted a girl so she said to me "You need to come to me again after 3-4 years!"and smiled.Then I realized it was a boy!

My mother was waiting outside, she also went crazy with joy as soon as she took the baby in her arms. Mother first informed the my husband father and when he heard it, he was literally jumping in the bus with joy. My In-laws were also out of town for some work.They could not reach on time due to rain and heavy traffic. I was shifted to General Ward and nurse kept my baby in my arms. Awwwww..... how cute he was!! I couldn't believed.

I heard my husband's voice over a call and I started crying. "Come soon" that's all I could say at that time.

Mamma's phone was continuously ringing, everyone was inquiring affectionately. Friends, family, relatives were showering good wishes but I was missing my husband badly. It was past nine o'clock at night but he was still stuck in traffic.

My In-laws somehow arrived at 9.30pm.
New grandparents took the baby in their arms for the first time. My baby's Grandmother gets emotional easily, but Grandpa also got emotional that day. Without saying a word, he was talking to his grandson. It is said that cream on milk is sweeter than milk. They spent great time with both of us .. Finally, at around 12.30 pm, my husband arrived.

He asked me about my health first and gave me a tight hug.
He didn't want to delay literally for a moment to take the baby in his arms. I put baby in his arms and he was literally shievering and tears rolled out from his eyes.I had followed "Garbhsanskar" throughout nind moths of my pregnancy in that course contribution of the father is as important as that of the mother.

You may think it is an exaggeration, but my husband used to chat with our baby while he was in my womb for hours as if he was in front of him. He recognized his father's voice. That touch, that moment, that joy we both were experiencing for the first time in our lives. It was out of this world.We were both literally crying and laughing at same time. My husband stayed up all night taking care of the baby and gave me complete rest.

This is my baby's first meeting with his father..Unforgettable and it has been two years since our baby, 'Ashwath' came into our lives but memories of that are as it is in front of our eyes.