In the world of lonliness
You are that pretty soul
You are only my goal
Life is different with you
Life is blessing with you
You are the bird of my garden
With u I wiped out all my pardon
You always sings beautiful songs
I want to hear it prolong
You melt my anger everytime
You make me smile anytime
I want to hear it prolong
You melt my anger everytime
You make me smile anytime
With you my journey is awesome
You cherish my life with welcome
Guarding my happiness with care
Without you I m alone nowhere
You cherish my life with welcome
Guarding my happiness with care
Without you I m alone nowhere
Your sadness is curse
Your resentment hurts me
Your bad time is my worse
Your problems are mine
Your resentment hurts me
Your bad time is my worse
Your problems are mine
Hey my beautiful angel
You are my principle
You are the centre of my emotion
O dear You are my solution
You are my principle
You are the centre of my emotion
O dear You are my solution
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