Why Do You Want To Be A Manager ?

This Video Is Basically About Why Do You Want To Be A Manager
 Why do you want to be a manager ?

I want to be a manager primarily because of the level of responsibility that comes with the position we spend a lot of time at work and I want to be in a role where I can influence the success of the organization I am a part of over the years .
I have studied other managers to see how they make the decisions they do I have also read numerous books and studied online courses to ensure I have abroad knowledge base of different management technique and ideas that are at my disposal .
If you hire me as your manager I am entirely confident you will quickly positive impact within the organization and the team I am responsible for .
I am confident , resilient . I can motivate a team of people to make sure they reach their full potential . I am the type of manager who conducts regular performance reviews , with my team member to get the most out of them .I am a energetic , ambitious and driven person and the role of a manager is very much suited to my natural attributes .
I want to be a manager because I am a good organizer and planner of my work . I enjoy setting people difficult targets to achieve .