Introducing Google Bard AI: A Chatbot With Multiple Drafts And Exploration Features

Google Hard AI Chatbot

Mountain View, CA - Google has unveiled its experimental AI chatbot called Google Bard AI, which offers users an innovative way to engage in conversations. Although still in its experimental mode, users can already explore the existing features of Bard AI.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use this Google Bard AI.

1. Join the Waitlist: Visit and sign up for the waitlist to gain access to Bard AI.
2. Click on "Join Waitlist": Once on the website, click on the designated button to add yourself to the waitlist.
3. Opt-in for Google Mail Updates: To stay informed about updates and  notifications, ensure that you opt-in for Google mail updates.

 There are a few rules and requirements to keep in mind when using Bard AI:

1. Google Account: Users mu st have a Google account to access Bard AI.
2. Age Restriction: Users must be 18 years or older to utilize this service.
3. Supported Web Browser: Make sure you have a supported web browser to experience Bard AI's functionalities.

Currently, Bard AI is only available for users in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Once you receive the email notification, follow these steps:

1. "It's Your Turn to Try Bard": Open the email and look for the notification stating "It's your turn to try Bard."
2. Click on the Blue Button: Click on the button labeled "Take it to spin" to launch the Bard AI interface.

Upon accessing the user interface, you'll notice that Bard  AI shares similarities with ChatGPT but offers distinct features:

1. Multiple Drafts: While ChatGPT generates a single response, Bard AI generates multiple drafts, allowing users to choose the most suitable response.
2. "Google It" Option: Bard AI provides an additional feature where users can click on the "Google it" button next to the AI response to explore more information about the topic.
3. Microphone Access: Unlike ChatGPT, Bard AI offers microphone access, enabling users to ask questions through voice commands.

It's important to note that Bard AI is an experimental product. The top left menu of the Bard AI interface includes the following options:

1. Reset: Users can clear the screen of the previous conversation, but the data is saved for future reference.

2. Activity: Users can review past Bard AI activities by logging in again. There is also an option to choose not to save activity to prioritize privacy.
3. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions section to address common queries.
4. Help and Support: Access to resources and assistance for any issues encountered.

Google Bard AI aims to revolutionize the chatbot experience by offering users more control and exploration capabilities. Stay tuned for further updates as Google continues to enhance this experimental AI product.

 What Google CEO says about Google's AI product?

Google, the tech giant known for its innovative products and services, has unveiled an exciting new addition to its AI portfolio. In a recent announcement, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, shared details about "Bard," an AI-powered search tool that aims to enhance the search experience for users worldwide.

Bard, an experimental AI technology, introduces a range of new features and improvements designed to provide users with more comprehensive and personalized search results. Pichai highlighted the following key updates:

1. Expanded Search Capabilities: Bard leverages advanced AI algorithms to generate multiple drafts of search results, offering users a broader range of options to choose from. Unlike traditional search engines that present a single response, Bard presents users with multiple drafts, allowing them to select the most relevant and accurate information for their queries.

2. Enhanced Exploration: With Bard, users can now go beyond the initial search results and delve deeper into their topics of interest. Google has introduced a "Google It" button next to Bard's responses, enabling users to explore additional information about a particular topic with just a click. This feature empowers users to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their search queries.

3. Voice Interaction: Bard comes equipped with a microphone access feature, enabling users to interact with the search tool using voice commands. Users can now ask questions and receive responses from Bard through natural language interactions, making the search experience more conversational and user-friendly.

Pichai emphasized that Bard is still in its experimental phase, highlighting Google's commitment to continuously improving the tool based on user feedback and evolving technology. The company aims to refine and enhance Bard's capabilities while ensuring its reliability and accuracy.

To access Bard, interested users can join a waitlist through the official Bard website ( Google is gradually granting access to users on the waitlist, allowing them to experience the AI-powered search tool firsthand.

With Bard, Google aims to revolutionize the way users interact with search engines, providing them with a more intuitive and personalized experience. As the company continues to innovate and refine Bard's functionalities, users can look forward to an increasingly seamless and comprehensive search journey.