Letter to my Best friend

Feeling to be shared to my best friend

Dear Best Friend,

I want to thank you for being an amazing friend to me. You are one of the most important people in my life. Sometimes it is difficult to say all of this in person so I am writing this letter to you.

Our first meeting five years back was very normal with nothing unusual about it, I never thought that one day we would be best friends. The frequency of our interactions increased and over a few months we became best friends.

Since then we have never been away from each other. You have always made me laugh to jokes that would seem lame, you have given me a safe place to cry, you have taken all my tantrums but never complained, you have always been there every time I needed you.

Starting from you lecturing me about my life, all the juvenile fights that we have had to all the midnight calls, I think we have a come a long a way.

My friends always asked me why were we not dating. We seemed compatible in every manner, I thought so too. But the only thing I could come up with was ‘I don’t want to ruin our friendship’. It was different for both of us, we knew that I was still holding on to a boy who was never really mine, maybe I was in love with him in some part of my heart. and you were looking for your ‘one and only’. We would always ignore others but continue to flirt with each other and joke about how it would be if we both would ever date.

 We continued talking but somehow it did not feel the same, slowly our conversations moved from everyday to once a week to once a month. Then one fine day you told me that you were in a relationship, I was happy for you because you found your ‘one and only’ but my heart felt a slight pinch at that moment, something just felt different.

Since then everything changed, I knew I had to share my best friend and I wasn’t happy about it. Every time you tried telling me something, I always reciprocated in the opposite way. I wanted to tell you so many things.. well mainly just that I hated seeing you with someone else but something always held me back from telling you about how I felt.

 But sometimes I still regretted not telling you what I felt. When I finally gave in to my emotions and realised how how badly you affect me, that’s when things began to change. I kept hoping that someday I would talk about my feelings and things would change and go back to being what I recognised as normal.

However, the realisation came in too late. Maybe I should have spoken about my feelings to you and just let it all out. Maybe we’d have started dating and seen how that went or maybe we’d remain friends and nothing would have changed at all .

I don’t know what is best for us, all I do know for sure is that I want us to be best friends forever. And our pact still remains the same, when we are 22 and still single (hopefully not) we will just be together, I doubt anyone else will be able to tolerate us then.

I don’t know what is best for us, all I do know for sure is that I want us to be best friends forever. And our pact still remains the same, when we are 40 and still single (hopefully not) we will just be together, I doubt anyone else will be able to tolerate us then.

I am happy where we are today. We love and understand each other and we’re inseparable. You’re my go to person and that will never change. However, there are days when I look back and wonder how our lives would have changed if I’d have just taken the plunge and let my heart lead the way.


Your Best Friend.